Friday 22 November 2013

My trip to the dietitian

I've been meaning to post this for ages! Have time today so here goes!

Back in spring this year I had a really bad bout of sinusitis. I was quite surprised as I'd never had any sort of sinus trouble before, even when I've had bad colds my sinuses were okay. I'm sure it was related to my job as I worked in a very cold environment.

My doctor gave me many pills, one of which contained lactose which I only realised when I got home and read the instructions. I went back to see the doc and told her about me being LI. She frantically checked my medical record and saw no mention of it. She was quite abrupt with me and doubted me, it was like she didn't believe me! She then decided to refer me to the dietitian. I don't think she was happy that I was self diagnosed.

I went to the appointment and spoke with the dietitian, she seemed really nice. I told her I was nervous because I was worried she might make me consume milk. She laughed and told me not to worry! I told her all about my experiences and my trials and errors with milk products. I think she knew, I knew what I was talking about unlike the doc.

She didn't really have to go into much detail about what I had to avoid, as I already knew. However, she did flag up a recent iron test I had and that pointed out that my iron was low. I've suffered from anaemia a few times and was quite surprised at the result, something which I think the doc should have phoned about. I told her that I eat salads and take over-the-counter iron pills, but I mentioned that I always drink very strong tea with meals. She then told me that the tannins in the tea hinder the absorption of the iron, minerals and all the good things and recommended having orange juice with my dinner. She also recommended taking calcium tablets too. With the amount of cheese I'm eating I should be okay, but I still take the calcium and iron tabs just in case!

I researched this (okay googled it!) and sure enough tannins do this. I never knew that and always thought it was the caffeine that was the culprit, that's why I always had tea.

So now when eating I avoid drinking tea or coffee and stick to orange juice or diluting juice. The problem comes when I got out for eats, I tend to drink coffee or tea as I'm usually safer with them than a soft drink, as I don't know what nasties are in the soft drinks.

So that's me "officially" Lactose Intolerant. It's on my record for life lol.

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