Thursday 6 February 2014

5:2 Update

So my fasting has gone quite well and had been losing a few kgs but I was on holiday last week and didn't fast at all - naughty. Had too many outings and lunches and whatnots to go to - that's my excuse anyway. I thankfully had only put on a few kgs. My scales are rubbish (cheapo from Ikea) and the kgs part is easier to read and see than the lbs, that why I'm using kgs instead.

I was back at work the other day so started fasting again. It's like I'll fast for 24 hours then eat a big meal then back on the fast again.

Sadly I've got my period just now, so have been fasting more than not as I don't want to go through the terrible pains I went through before at new years :-( At least it's on time roughly, which is always a problem with me.

I'll update this on my progress and how it will effect my pains, hormones and mood.

Here's how I fasted so far this week:

Monday - normal day
Tuesday - fast started at 1am (when I went to bed)
Wednesday - stopped fast at 7am then had a big meal and started fasting at 8am (madness I know)
Thursday (today) - stopped fasting at about 8.30am and had too much to eat - was bloody hungry!

I'll have my dinner soon then start fasting about probs 6pm and goodness knows what I'll do after that, haven't thought that far ahead! I probably won't fast on Sunday or Monday as I have a lunch planned.

I haven't weighed myself, will do that when I come off my Friday fast!

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